Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It's a Boy!

We found out today that we're having another boy and we are so excited! We took Ethan with us to the ultrasound and I have to share with you how he was during the whole process. I had been telling him starting a few days before that we were going to go to the doctor and see pictures of the baby in my tummy. He understood and when the day finally came, he was so excited. Well, the technician is doing the ultrasound and Ethan starts rubbing my arm and tummy asking me if I am okay and he's saying "be careful mama". I tell him that I'm okay, that it doesn't hurt and she's just taking pictures. So, he would say a few things through out the ultrasound, like how he could see the baby and then he just grabs my hand and holds it. OH, it was the sweetest thing!!! I was just so touched by this, that it made my ultrasound experience even better! I just wanted everyone to know how sweet my big boy is!


Scott, Stacy, Maddie, Elle and Lola said...

That is too sweet, I had tears!! Ethan is so cute! You guys are having another boy because you make them so cute!!