Sunday, April 20, 2008

This past weekend, Scott, Stacy and Maddie came into town for a visit. Actually, Stacy was in a wedding so the whole family came with her and it was so much fun having them here! Ethan and Maddie have a great time together. It's so fun to see them interact with each other. Maddie is the little mother, making sure that my boys have their drinks and they are okay and Ethan is just all boy. I don't know how else to describe him around her. Loud, crazy... you get the point! Anyway, it was so good to have them here. I even got a few pictures with Maddie and she was so interested in baby Hudson. One day this week, she told Stacy that she had baby Hudson in her tummy. I thought that was pretty cute! These are just a few pictures I have from that weekend.


Diane said...

What sweet pictures of all the kids. I love having them all together. Pretty good lookin bunch, huh? They had such a good time together...even in the tub. That Jetters....what can you say about him? He's too funny!!!