Monday, February 2, 2009

Most of you already know...

Well, most of you already know, but I thought I would make it official... we are expecting our new baby bloom #4 to arrive this summer! We found out right before Christmas and we were very shocked! But, after the initial shock wore off, the excitement settled right in! We couldn't be happier! Ethan is especially excited to having another baby and he is hoping it is another brother. Jett has no interest whatsoever, but that's pretty typical of him since he doesn't even pay much attention to Hudson now as it is. I have to say that when we found out, we were pretty much in a daze that day and I was changing Hudson's diaper and I was teasing him about being a big brother and he couldn't even sit up yet! :) It was pretty funny to acknowledge that. He just turned 8 months on the 29th of Jan., so he and the baby will be about 15 months apart... Oh my goodness! ;) I am officially 10 weeks and 3 days along and my due date is Aug. 28th. But, since I have my babies early because of high blood pressure late in my pregnancies, I expect the end of July or the first of Aug. My birthday is July 28th and Jett's birthday is Aug. 2nd, so it will be interesting to see when this little one will be born! Well, this is our first picture of our baby... it is 8 weeks and 6 days here. The technician said it was 2 cm and looked like a gummy bear with nuby arms and legs... pretty cute! I will update more later. I have been very sick with this little one, so this is really the first time I have felt good enough to blog... it may be a while until there is a new update!


Gina said...

Oh my goodness, congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm pulling for a girl!!!

Rod, Julie, Ethan, Jett, Hudson and Ella said...

Thanks, Gina! I kinda am too, since this is our last! :)

Unknown said...

So excited Julie! Can't wait to see you in March!!!! I can't believe we are going to have kids no less than 3 months apart!!!!