Thursday, September 18, 2008

Jett putting "mesin" on his boo-boo

Jett gets these dry patches on his skin, so we put hydrocortisone on it, which works great! Well, today we found him with this cream on his face and legs... he had gotten into the diaper rash cream and was smearing it all over himself saying, "mesin, face... mesin, boo boo" He was so serious while doing this and he looked so cute, I had to grab my camera! I'm tellin you, I think I'm going to have to rearrange a lot of things around this house! He gets into EVERYTHING!!! This morning he had the fingernail clippers out and was digging around his toes! OH MY GOSH!!! It's always something around here! I do have to say that he makes us laugh ALL THE TIME... especially when he's getting into trouble and he gives us these looks (I will try to take a picture of it to show you how cute it is) and tries to make us laugh. I can't believe he is already doing that! We are in big trouble!!

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