Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm feeling crafty...


I never knew I was "crafty" and I am so glad to know that I have a little craftiness in me after all! :)
Here are the clippies I made today for Ella! I just love them! They are really huge on her head right now, but I think they are adorable! This little girl is going to be so used to having things in her hair that hopefully she won't mind later on when she's older. I can just see her now... wrestling around with the boys or playing out in the dirt with these ridiculous bows or flowers in her hair. It makes me smile! I am going to post some pics of her later, I just wanted to share this really quick.

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Emily said...

Julie, she is SOOOO cute. I can't get over it!

Scott, Stacy, Maddie, Elle and Lola said...

SO cute! I love them on her... and I love her!

Rod, Julie, Ethan, Jett, Hudson and Ella said...

Thanks, girls! She is pretty darn sweet! :)

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh u finally blogged!!!! The cutest might I add too! I so wished we lived in OKC....I need my BFF!

Unknown said...

Hey...can u tell your brother that I want to be able to read their blog.....please!!!

The Spanglers said...

You are so crafty girl!!! These are too cute and it doesn't hurt to have a beautiful little girl wearing them.

Love the boys shirts too.