Monday, September 28, 2009

What a big boy!

IT IS OFFICIAL... I no longer have 3 in diapers! Yea!!!!!! I have patiently waited for this day for a while now and it finally came this past weekend! Jett decided he wanted to wear "big boy underwear" and go in the potty. I think the biggest incentive was the candy reward, but hey, it worked and I that's all that matters. I was telling Rod that it was so much easier this time around because I didn't stress out at all. I knew, from past experience, that Jett would decide on his own when he was ready and it just clicked! I'm telling you, you just have to be patient and wait until they're ready because it will only cause frustration for both of you if you try to press the issue... this is what happened with Ethan. So, now I only have 2 babes in diapers and I feel much better about that! I was beginning to feel like I was changing a grown man's diaper, it was so gross! Anyway, had to spread my excitement and give encouragement to those of you who are or will be going through this soon. Don't worry, they will potty train on their own time and it WILL be before they start school... promise! :)


Unknown said...

So glad! I am sure, however, that when those days come for us, I will still be calling you! Love you and miss you girl!

Gina said...

Oh happy day!!! To ONLY have two in diapers I imagine is very glorious! I love how Ethan is so glad to show off his little brother's undies!

Scott, Stacy, Maddie, Elle and Lola said...

yay!!! 2 in diapers is plenty!!!