Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Well, I really wanted to make the boys a super hero cape and I decided that would be a good "first sewing project" for me. It has only taken me a month to completely finish, but I did! Jett was the most excited about this... he would say "mommy, are you going to zoe now?" He would ask me several times a day. I guess this is what I get for telling them ahead of time what I'm doing and them not understanding that it's going to take a little time to make them. I made 3 capes but they are double sided so they can switch them around and be a different super hero. You may not recognize one of the symbols, but Ethan is batman on one side and has flames on the other, Jett is spiderman on one side and superwhy on the other and Hudson is superman on one side and flash on the other. I made little masks too. I have to say that nothing gives me more joy than to watch them, all three, run around the house like they're flying. It is precious and Hudson sure does a great job at keeping up with his older brothers. He really thinks he's as big as they are. The boys are so fun and I adore them! (BTW, baby girl WILL be getting a cape too, she just has to be walking! :)~I already have the crown applique for one side of her cape!~


The Spanglers said...

Julie, I am so impressed! These turned out great! How special for your boys to have capes made by their mama. They will treasure these.

Love ya

Rod, Julie, Ethan, Jett, Hudson and Ella said...

Awe, thanks, Jamie! You are so sweet! Love you!

Gina said...

Tooooo cute!!!!! Way to go on the capes!

Connie Rowton said...

Julie you are AMAZING! Just like your sweet Momma! Love you girl!
Connie Rowton *-*