Monday, February 28, 2011


I officially went 1 year without posting! Oh my gracious, that's a talent and I do have to say that I have mastered it!! Hahha Well, I just wanted to stop in and say I noticed and that probably NO ONE will read this because you stopped checking in on my blog because I haven't written in A YEAR... but, oh well. I feel better just posting this... okay, goodbye!

Just kidding!!

I will have to post a "real" post another time... I've got to get these kiddos in bed...
So... until then... goodnight.


Gina said...

I'm reading! Keep posting. :)

THE LEA'S said...

I check almost every day on my blog to see if anyone updated and I almost missed it when your blog said you posted 2 days ago...I was like...really! Hope you all are doing great. We are doing great and loving having a 9 month old around the house. I too am really bad about posting. I can't seem to find the time to finish a post. There is so much to write mine are usually very long and take me around a month or so to complete. Maybe I should shoot for daily posts that are short! Talk to you soon. We hope to be coming to OKC in the next month. Dawn

Diane said...

Thanks for the update!! I've been wondering what you've been up to! Love seeing pictures of the kids!!